How Positive Mindset Can Help You Defeat Your Inner Demons?

As per the American Institute of Stress (AIS), stress is defined as nervousness that can be experienced mentally, physically, or emotionally. Another way that they explain stress is as a heavy feeling that somebody experiences when there is a lot of demand on the internal capacities of an individual to meet the external demands of the world. What is one common aftermath of stress? It is negative thinking. Unfortunately, negative thinking and stress creates a vicious loop of pessimism that can be hard to break after some time. They impact all areas of life e.g. decrease the relationship quality, self-confidence, and the ability to solve problems. Moreover, they significantly reduce emotional health and self-regulation skills. Thus, the need for cultivating a positive mindset in life cannot be denied. 

What is the Importance of Positive Thinking?

Everybody has demons that can keep them awake at night. For instance, anger, fear, jealousy, greed, and lack of discipline. It can be terrible to live a life without any healthy strategies. 

The significance of positive thinking cannot be denied in life because it has the power to transform a person’s life for the better. Some people might think that positive thinking is about ignoring the unpleasant side of life. They might also have the misconception that positive thinking means the absence of negative thinking. But, positive thinking actually means that the individual looks at any situation with hope and optimism (not naive optimism). Nevertheless, how can it change an individual’s life? Well, it can transform a person’s life by boosting their resilience, self-regulation ability, and self-discipline. It enhances one’s motivation too to get out of their comfort zone. Moreover, it improves the quality of communication and relationships with others. In light of the benefits, nobody can deny the significance of positive thinking. 

6 Different Strategies to Nurture Positive Thinking and Defeat Inner Demons

Smile Frequently

In the research published in the Online Wiley Library, it was found that smiling had a positive influence on the participants who worked together. The impact was not seen in those who worked individually. Moreover, it impacted the type of information that they gathered. Therefore, smiling is one way to influence thoughts positively and tackle the demon of low productivity.

Look at the Situation in a Different Way

Reframing the situation is about looking at a scenario from a bigger and better perspective. For example, a traffic jam situation makes you upset and irritated. Now you have two choices- to stay negative or to utilize the time positively. How can you use the time in a good way? You can listen to music, motivational lectures, or audiobooks. It will not only reduce stress but also bring self-growth. The strategy can help the individuals deal with their anger (an inner demon).

Practice Gratitude

Practicing gratitude has several benefits. It not only enhances an abundance mindset but also reduces depression, increases the quality of sleep, and resilience. Furthermore, the research published in Science Direct has shown that it increases optimism, recovery from unpleasant emotions, and boosts the immune system. Consequently, it deals with the inner demons of jealousy and negatively biased thinking. 

Be Hopeful and Optimistic

Imagine a scenario where you are living the life of your dreams in all aspects. It means that you have your desired job, house, family, and friends. Your bank account has the desired amount of money and the garage has a long line of luxury cars. How does it make you feel? Of course, it left you with a smile and positive energy. The purpose of the short exercise was to enhance your level of hope and optimism. It worked because the visualization exercise activated your reward circuits (dopamine). We know that the neurotransmitter of dopamine is linked with motivation and exploration of the world (taking action). Hence, it is highly important to beat the inner demon of low motivation. 

Take Note of Your Positive Qualities

Sometimes, it happens that social interactions or other life events skew a person’s self-image and force them to see their negative qualities. We all know that everyone has a set of strengths and weaknesses. When a person is feeling negative, they should do their best to balance their point of view by highlighting their strengths. 

As per the research published in Springer Link, it was found that focusing on character strengths improved well-being. So, it improved the symptoms of depression and anxiety. Moreover, it enhanced happiness levels in respondents. Therefore, it was effective in reducing self-sabotage in people. 


Meditation has the power to improve an individual’s mindset deeply. It is because meditation exercises encourage the practitioner to increase their self-awareness, emotional and physical health through a non-judgmental point of view. It boosts mental health by reducing the symptoms of anxiety and depression. It is also effective for PTSD. Physical health advantages of meditation practices include improved heart health, low blood pressure, and reduced chronic pain. Additionally, it boosts the immune system and reduces inflammation in the body. 

Many people experience imposter syndrome and they start losing confidence in their abilities. It can be easily dealt with by thinking about all the past achievements until the syndrome loses its power over you. So, in a meditation session, one should say the following affirmation to themselves, 

“I am a capable person because I achieved… in the past”.


To Bring It All Together

Positive thinking can be difficult to establish because of old negative thinking patterns. It is also cumbersome to tackle because negative thinking has served as a survival mechanism in evolutionary times. But, positive thinking transforms an individual by longevity, an effective immune system, and high levels of resilience. Courses offered by Sureself have the power to improve the mindset. 

Read More: Guided Meditation For Millennials And How To Avoid Mid-Life Crises

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