Yoga for Anger Management: 5 Yoga Poses to Control Anger

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Anger is a universal feeling that we all experience sometimes. Anger starts becoming an issue when it impacts an individual on a personal and professional level. It means that productivity starts lowering and relationships start getting impacted badly. It happens commonly in the case of aggression. The difference between anger and aggression is- anger is an emotion whereas aggression is a behavior. Typical signs of aggression are yelling, kicking, name-calling, and social exclusion. 

There are different views on yoga positions. Some think that it is a skill set in performance, and it’s like a mirror to see oneself from the inside. On the other hand, some say that the motivation for it is already within, and one just needs to listen and pay attention within. 

A research study published in the journal of Taylor and Francis showed that yoga practices improved the symptoms of anxiety in children. We know that yoga practices help create harmony between the mind, body, and spirit. So, there are several benefits of yoga for the mind and the body.

What are the Health Benefits of Yoga?

  • Improves heart functioning
  • Reduces cortisol levels 
  • Helps with anger management 
  • Improves the symptoms of depression and anxiety
  • Enhances focus and concentration
  • Boosts the immune system 
  • Speeds up the healing process

In this way, yoga practices can help channel anger in constructive ways. Some yoga poses that can help are the lotus position, shoulder stand pose, fish pose, corpse pose, and the child’s pose.


Lotus Position with Deep Breathing

The lotus position is commonly used in yoga practices. After performing complex or higher-level movements, the user is advised to return to this position. Several benefits of this position include:

  1. Improvement in digestive processes
  2. Reduction in physical tension 
  3. Betterment in blood pressure
  4. More  relaxation for the individual

What are the steps to execute lotus yoga?

  • Take a sitting position while keeping the back straight
  • Now cross both the legs and make sure to point the soles of the feet in an upward position 
  • Now the hands should be placed on the knees (with a mudra pose). In the mudra pose, the thumb touches the index finger and makes a circle
  • After performing these steps, one should start the breathing exercise (in and out) and pay attention to the breath flow
  • The lotus position can be kept for as long as the person wants

Shoulder Stand Pose

The position in other words is known as Sarvangasana. The pose helps with anger management by relaxing the central nervous system. The other benefits include physical flexibility and strengthening of the mind, body, and spirit connection. 

Steps to do it

  • Lie straight on the ground with your back. 
  • One should slowly lift their legs and abdomen vertically (at a 90° angle).
  • Support the position with a firm grip from hands. The palms should be kept under the waist.
  • Keep the pose for 4-5 minutes and then return to the corpse pose.

Fish Pose

Matsyasana is another name for the fish pose. It lowers stress levels in the body and efficiently helps with anger management. Another benefit of the position is improvement in the circulation of blood. Following are the steps to perform it

  • Sit in a cross-legged position 
  • Grab the toes move back and stretch the spine and the neck
  • The head should be touching the yoga mat or the floor
  • The back will look curved after the above steps
  • Keep the position for a few seconds and repeat after 1-2 minutes

Corpse Pose

Another name for this position is Savasana. It is one of the great poses to relax the mind, body, and spirit thoroughly. Any yoga routine can be ended with a corpse pose. 

How to execute it?

  • Lie straight on the yoga mat or the floor (on your back)
  • Put the hands at the side of the body and keep the feet a bit apart
  • The palms should face upward
  • Start the breathing exercise and focus on the breathing routine
  • After a while, the body will start feeling calm and relaxed
  • The position can be kept for 6-7 minutes while paying attention to the breathing  

Child’s Pose

Technically, it is known as Balasana and simply known as a child’s pose. It empowers an individual to manage their anger effectively by strengthening the link between the mind and the body. 

How to perform?

  • Kneel on the ground
  • Take a sitting position on your heels
  • Bend in a way that the chest touches one’s thighs
  • Hands can be extended forward or kept closer to the body
  • Keep the position for four to five minutes and then repeat after a short break

Some Useful Tips For Anger Management 

  1. Make effort to find a good mentor: Having a good mentor for the yoga poses can help stay motivated and learn the movements quickly. A good mentor is someone with whom one feels connected.
  2. Practice some yoga exercises beforehand: Practicing yoga poses beforehand makes it easier to learn and acquire them. It can also be a warm-up session for beginners.
  3. Use comfy clothes for the exercise sessions: Wearing comfortable clothes greatly helps with performing the poses smoothly or else fancy clothes can get in the way.
  4. Do not indulge in comparison games: It is very easy to compare oneself to others and get discouraged, so the user should avoid the comparison.
  5. Start small and increase slowly and gradually: Starting small or taking baby steps supports habit building and encourages permanent and long-term change. 


To sum up, the above yoga poses have great benefits for the mind, body, and soul. The benefits include improvement in heart health, better control over angry feelings, improvement in mental health. In addition to this, there is  an enhancement in attentional resources and better resistance against infections and other diseases. Just like any personal development skill, the above yoga poses require consistent practice for long-term benefits. 

Read More: 7 Proven Ways How Meditation Can Help Your Personal Development!

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