Brain Scans Show How Meditation Improves Mental Focus

Mindfulness Meditation Calms mind

According to experts at Harvard University, our minds are occupied with thoughts 47 percent of the time. There are two most common causes of these thoughts: 

  1. Pondering over the past (can promote depression)
  2. Anticipating the future (can generate worries)

Overall, emotions can be overwhelming if they aren’t dealt with proper care. But mindfulness meditation can improve mental focus and puts an end to get the mind entangled in endless “what ifs” and “what could have been”. 

According to researchers at the Columbia University Medical Centre, individuals can improve mental focus by altering the structure and function of the brain through meditation. All meditation practises around the world have the same purpose, although some are more effective than others for different people. For instance, mindfulness meditation focuses on the breath of the individual and allows the mind to keep track of the thoughts as they float through their head. But in order to avoid becoming engrossed, the goal is to simply be aware of the feelings that arise through conflicting thoughts. Therefore the most important organ possesses an amazing variety of neurological benefits through meditation. 

How Meditation Improves Mental Focus?

Increases the Potential to Fight Back 

Mindfulness meditation allows individuals to be more resilient in the face of setbacks. It also strengthens the brain’s neural circuitry for focus. Experts recommend returning the attention of the brain back to the breath whenever the mind wanders during meditation. Individuals can focus better on the topic at hand when they recognize that they have been sidetracked by a distraction during everyday tasks. Individuals can take a short break while working or performing daily tasks to help them regain their concentration if they have lost it throughout the day. The increased potential to fight back in circumstances aids individuals to improve mental focus during difficult times. 

Easy to Control Stress Levels 

The more meditative a person is, the better they’ll be able to handle stress. The Amygdala, the part of the brain that handles stress, has been shown in studies to be less activated after meditation. Prolonged stress levels can be damaging to the systems of the body which can promote body aches and body dysmorphic disorder. (A disorder that makes an individual feel that they are mentally or physically more flawed than the other person even though it’s not visible). Meditation allows individuals to reduce the stress hormone in the body further enhancing bodily functions. These improvements not only benefit physically but also improve mental focus, and reduces the symptoms and related stress of dysmorphic disorder. 

Decreases ADHD Symptoms 

Recent researches have shown that ADHD can be treated with mediation. ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that does not allow individuals to pay attention and remain focused. Meditation is found to be effective in reducing anxiety and despair in children with ADHD. It was observed that a group of students with special disabilities, including those with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), became calmer and more focused when they were taught a simple breathing technique such as mindfulness meditation in Harlem. The overall meditation experience helped them improve their mental focus and reduced the intensity of their ADHD symptoms. 

Better Information Recalling 

Numerous studies have been conducted on “effects of frequent meditation on attention management”. These researchers concluded that people who have meditation for a few months perform better when it comes to tasks requiring the ability to focus for long periods. 

Additionally, the ability to deliberately divide one’s attention across different objects also improves mental focus. In one trial, participants were shown two images with short intervals. Their ability to store and recall new information changed significantly and it proved that indeed meditation improves mental focus. 

All of this is fascinating since, on average, attention control and working memory deteriorate as we become older. Meditation, on the other hand, has been shown to slow down the memory ageing process. 

Brain Scans to Prove Meditation Indeed Changes Brain Structure

In order to learn more about the brain mechanisms, scientists began utilising fMRI machines and other brain scanners about a decade ago. The research showed that individuals who had been practising meditation for a long time had significantly different brains than those who did not meditate at all. The comparison of their brains portrayed significant differences from each other in terms of attention control, emotion regulation and self-awareness. Numerous studies have demonstrated that individuals who meditated have unique variations in eight brain regions compared to those who did not meditate. These unique variations through meditation improved mental focus. 

Brief Explanation of the Differences of Brain Structure

The increase in tissue in the anterior cingulate cortex, a brain part that manages impulses and maintains focus shows the most significant improvements. Additionally, there are various regions of the brain associated with attention control and bodily management that are thicker in individuals who meditate. 

A research performed on meditators concluded that better brain connections result from meditations that enhance mental focus. It also showed reduction in the size of the right amygdala (brain part that holds negative emotions such as sadness and anxiety). Which means that meditation decreases sadness, anxiety and negative sentiments. Part of the brain that perceives pain also showed less activity after meditation. 

Additionally, a study from a Harvard University student suggested that mindfulness meditation not only changes brain activity patterns during the process but also during everyday tasks. 


Meditation is an efficacious method to unclog the mind and improve mental focus. Once individuals lay the bases of meditation and form a habit, they’ll begin to recognize the truth of meditation for improved mental focus. These promote relief from stress, improved self-awareness, memory, and concentration. Being aware of the feelings that arise during everyday tasks is the best mindfulness meditation to improve mental focus. Mindfulness meditation focuses on the overall body functions that improves the overall psychological well-being and vice versa. 

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